Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Wikipedia: Euphorbia is a genus of plants belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae. Consisting of 2008 species.

From my Sister Darlene's collection, I have gathered different variety of Euphorbias. It's very easy to grow. I grew it from cuttings....very low in maintenance too. I placed it in the ground except for two, one of my whites and spotted milii.

Euphorbia milii

Euphorbia milii splendens

"The temple bell stops but I still hear the sound coming out of the flowers". ~Basho~

Orchids - Vanda

My mom loves to collect plants too. When we invited them to stay here with us in Manila, she brought this Vanda plants from Mindanao. This is from her collections. Thank you Mang!
I am now enjoying this plant. Transplanted some and now I have 10 total vanda plants.

This is my pink vanda.

My orange vanda.

People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us. ~Iris Murdoch~

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

White Orchid - Dendrobium

This is Theomie's white orchid from Baguio city. She had this for a while and she left it here when she left for the US last 2006. Sister, this white orchid keeps me has flower all the time.

"Bread feeds the body, indeed, but flowers feed also the soul."
The Koran~

My other prickly plant

This is one of my three cactus plants....I mean another prickly plant. As soon as my "yellow cactus plant" bloom, I'm expecting this plant will bloom too. One morning my papa teased me, He said come see your other cactus plant, it has a unique flower. He knew that I enjoy to see my plants in the morning. Before I can see it, he would stick euphorbia flowers. It looks beautiful though :)

" I have learned the difference between a cactus and a caucus. On a cactus, the pricks are outside ".
~ Morris K. Udall~

Hoya Plant

I was so amazed when I saw this flower. We were invited for a friends birthday weekend in Atimonan, Quezon. Because I enjoy collecting plants, my eyes really gets big when I see plants especially when it's rare. I was hooked in their window with this plastic looking flower, then I started to touch it, checked on the vines, called our host and asked about this plants. My friend said, it's called hoya carnosa. It is also called a wax plant because it has thick leaves and waxy flowers.

Nhini, thank you for sharing your flower collection. Now I have my share.

This is my hoya plant after three months.

"To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat."~ Beverley Nichols ~

Yellow Cactus

I remember buying three little cactus plants while walking in the sidewalk going to SSD. One of the few plants I was tending when I was sick. I never expect this plants will give me this kind of flower. It's amazing to see the flowers of this little prickly plant. I called it "my Yellow Cactus plant" .

I let this fern grow in the side and it looks beautiful. This is the first flower.

And it bares more flowers..

Just love my yellow cactus plant.

"In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends. "
~ Kozuko Okakura ~